Northern Adams County Area Network Improvement Project

  • Colburn Substation – Proposed by Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative as a separate project, this new substation in Adams County will serve area load growth and electric reliability. 
  • New ATC Facilities – ATC will build and install facilities to interconnect the new, proposed ACEC Colburn Substation to the regional electric grid to improve the networking and reliability of existing electric infrastructure in the region.  

ATC is planning to make system upgrades to connect the new, proposed ACEC Colburn Substation to the regional electric grid. The preliminary location for the Colburn Substation is near the intersection of Bighorn Avenue and 7th Avenue in the town of Big Flats. The project will also provide an additional source to the existing 69,000-volt, Y-302 circuit which will bring greater reliability to three existing local distribution substations.

This ATC project includes:

  • Building approximately 4.2 miles of new, 69-kV power line from the ACEC Cottonville Substation to the new ACEC Colburn Substation. This new power line will be an extension to the existing ATC 69-kV, Y-302 power line in the town of Big Flats. The proposed extended line would run on the south side of Bighorn Avenue from 7thAvenue to 11th Avenue.
  • Building approximately 5.1 miles of new, 69-kV power line from the ACEC Badger West Substation to State Highway 13. This new power line will be built in the towns of Big Flats and Monroe. It will also be an extension to the existing ATC 69-kV, Y-302 power line. The proposed extended line would run on the south side of Badger Avenue from 17th Drive to State Highway 13.
  • Improving networking service to three ACEC substations. 
  • Expanding the ACEC Badger West Substation to create a new 138-kV to 69-kV connection point on the system. 

The project will support the connection of the proposed ACEC Colburn Substation to the regional electric grid to ensure electric reliability and address current and future energy needs in the surrounding area. It will provide a second source for the new and existing loads served by the power line, and help relieve constraints on the current electric delivery system, improve reliability and support local energy demand. 

The ATC project is subject to approval by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. 

Additional information about the proposed ATC project can be found on the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin website under docket number 137-CE-213


1Q 2025
2Q 2025
April 2026
May 2027
1Q 2025
*Dates are anticipated and subject to changes
2Q 2025
*Dates are anticipated and subject to changes
April 2026
*Dates are anticipated and subject to changes
May 2027
*Dates are anticipated and subject to changes
*Dates are anticipated and subject to changes

Project FAQ's


The project is necessary to interconnect to the regional electric grid a new, Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative substation. The preliminary location for the new ACEC Colburn Substation is near the intersection of Bighorn Avenue and 7th Avenue in the town of Big Flats in Adams County.


The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) is the regulatory agency with the authority to approve or deny a project.


Once ATC submits the application for the power line project, you can provide comments to the PSCW, either electronically or in writing under docket number 137-CE-213. You may attend a public hearing and make your statements for the PSCW record.


If you have additional questions about the power line project or would like to discuss it in more detail, please contact Kurt Hendrickson, ATC Local Relations: (920) 338-6515 or


If you have additional questions about the proposed Colburn Substation project or would like to discuss it in more detail, please contact Mark LaMore, Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative: (800) 831-8629 or