December 16, 2024

ATC employee tells PBS why the energy industry is great for young people

ATC Environmental Project Manager Maya Barwick will be featured on PBS Milwaukee on Dec. 18 at 12:30 p.m. as part of the Energy Switch program.

The episode, entitled “Jobs in Energy,” is a moderated discussion between Maya and Harbour Energy Petroleum Engineer Natan Battisti. In the episode, Maya and Natan talk about why they chose to work in the energy industry, what their experience has been like so far and if they would recommend the industry to their peers. The episode is also available on the PBS Energy Switch website.

“ATC’s value of ‘connecting you with a sustainable energy future’ is something that really resonated with me,” said Maya. “I would absolutely encourage young people to consider and learn about a career in the energy industry. There are so many different career paths and opportunities to pursue your passion, whatever it may be.”

About PBS Energy Switch

PBS Energy Switch, now in its fifth season, is a show that brings together experts from government entities, non-governmental organizations, academia, and the energy industry with differing perspectives to talk about important energy and climate topics. The discussion is moderated by Dr. Scott Tinker, State Geologist of Texas and Director Emeritus of the 250-person Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas – Austin.

As part of the program, PBS Energy Switch aims to capture students and young professionals’ views on the energy industry in select episodes.

The first of these aired in October 2023 and was entitled “Students on the Future of Energy.”  Grace Stanke (then a nuclear engineering student at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and Miss America 2023) and Shadya Taleb (then a graduate research assistant in carbon capture and storage at the Bureau of Economic Geology at UT – Austin), engaged in a discussion about the future of nuclear energy, carbon capture and storage, solar and wind, batteries, energy reliability, climate change, and their hopes for the future.

Maya appears in the second of these episodes, “Jobs in Energy,” which focuses on what it’s like to work in the industry. As the episode says, working in energy, particularly oil and gas, is not as popular as it once was in the United States. However, electricity and lower carbon energies are becoming increasingly embraced by young people.

“The renewable energy transition is something my generation is extremely excited about. We are more aware of the effects of climate change and are taking action,” said Maya. I’m extremely passionate about sustainability and environmentalism and so getting to share that made for an incredible experience. I hope this episode gets other young people thinking about building a career in the electric industry.”